Cargo Train City Station - Cars & Oil Delivery Sim instal the last version for windows
Cargo Train City Station - Cars & Oil Delivery Sim instal the last version for windows

Cargo Train City Station - Cars & Oil Delivery Sim instal the last version for windows

Nah I've got trucks piled up trying to move the tools from the factory, they are also picking up 0-1 tools and machines before they leave the factory, I used to only bring Planks there (and all was fine) but after 2 years of moving steel there it's also starting to produce only 4 tools per tick. If no, then you have a problem with your other inputs to the factory (plastic and/or planks.) If yes, you need to establish the routes to do that. If not, is there a large stock of finished goods at the factory that has not been transferred to the station for final delivery? If yes, you need to sort out your final delivery routes so that they operate more efficiently. The question here is - is there a large stock of undelivered finished goods waiting at the station near the factory? If you haven't set up delivery routes for the finished goods, then the factory will not produce them and it will stop demanding the materials you are looking to deliver. If everything was working, perhaps your delivery trucks are being hung up in traffic. It could be that finished goods are not being delivered to the towns that demand them. Originally posted by doug:If the steel is piling up at the mill and not being put on your trains, it is because the machine factory isn't demanding it.

Cargo Train City Station - Cars & Oil Delivery Sim instal the last version for windows

I was sending crude oil from 2 oil wells (4 trains with like 24 oil each) and the factory was making fuel and oil when the first crude oil arrived but in the trainstation where I had set up a train (with the carts set to pick up Fuel only) but not a single Fuel was moved over I had something similar earlier before I gave up and made a new game/map.

Cargo Train City Station - Cars & Oil Delivery Sim instal the last version for windows

Just check how much Iron, Coal and Steel is in storage.but nothing gets sent to my trains (My trains both used to pick up 40 per trip, now they will get 2-5 before they give up and travel anyway (I've set them to fill up completelly when possible) I also added a line to transport the Slag to make building Materials.Īll was working fine but all of a sudden it just broke down and now my iron and coal are both producing 4 and 6 per tick (they are/were both upgraded to 200) So I'm sending Iron ore and Coal to a Steel Mill and then sending the Steel away to a place that makes tools. I have something similar I was about to ask about.

Cargo Train City Station - Cars & Oil Delivery Sim instal the last version for windows